The Enlightenment & Technology

The era of the enlightenment was characterized by the emerged of revolutionary ideas that challenged the status quo of the time. These new ideas on religion, politics, art and science, resulted from the need to question authority and find own answers. I believe that during this time, people were tired of being told what to do, how to think, and how to live. They wanted to liberate themselves and were able to accomplish that with reason. That was the main ingredient to this revolution, the use of reason. The ideas of the enlightenment, served people of the time to liberate themselves from archaic ideas that did not follow the new ways of  thinking. People were coming out of a dark period where thinking by themselves was prohibited. 

Image result for lightWhen I read about the enlightenment, I cannot help but to think about our current time. Today, technology is driving the world. There are apps for everything, gadgets that promise to make daily tasks brainless and technology components in regular household items, such as coffee makers or microwaves that enhance their functionality. Everyone seems to be happy with all of these changes, they embrace it and often ask for more. It feels that the world is jumping in a roller coaster where our brains and our ability to think are not tall enough to enjoy the ride. Because of this new technology wave, people are not seeing beyond the technology given to them. Everybody is on their phones, being absorb into nothingness, letting time go. People no longer have time to contemplate their existence and question their way of living because of technology.  

Is this the today’s dark age? if so, how would the new era of enlightenment would be like? If history repeats itself, when are people going to be tired of having technology dictate their lives, and challenge it with reason? If the thinkers of the enlightenment were able to do it, why wouldn't we be able to do it? 


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